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Natural Foot-Shaped Running Shoes Prevent Blackened Toes

Thursday, 30 October 2014 09:27

 Although most feet have never naturally came to a point at the tip, many shoe creations have long been designed with a pointy toe and other impractical shapes. Recently, the creation of foot-shaped running shoes by shoe makers can allow room for the toes to stretch naturally by following the natural shape of the foot. This helps regular runners from avoiding the damage created from constantly slamming their toes into the front of their shoes. Many runners have even gone as far as removing their toenails to prevent blackened toenails; other consistent runners accept the damaged toenails as a twisted badge of honor. The creation of foot shaped shoes saves the toes from damage while also creating comfort and balance of the foot.

Running shoes should be chosen based on their comfort and support. For more information about what to look for in choosing a running shoe, consult with Dr. Kevin Lapoff of Lake Worth Podiatry. Dr. Lapoff can address all of your foot and ankle needs and provide you with quality treatment. 

Choosing the Right Running Shoe for Your Foot Type
Although it seems simple, running is in fact a complex movement that places stress on the joints, bones, and ligaments of the body. To increase performance and avoid the risk of injury, it is important to choose the right running shoe based on your foot type. The general design of running shoes is centered around pronation, which is the rolling of the ankle from outside to inside when the foot strikes the ground.

  • Neutral runners are able to choose from a wide variety of shoes, including minimalist shoes or even go barefoot
  • Runners who overpronate, or experience an over-abundance of ankle rolling, should choose shoes that provide extra motion control and stability
  • Runners who underpronate, or supinate, have feet that have high arches and lack flexibility, preventing shock absorption. Runners who supinate require shoes with more flexibility and cushion

To learn about your foot type, visit a local shop that specializes in running shoes. Professionals will be able to measure your stride, gait, and arch type and inform you of your footwear needs.

If you have any questions, please feel free to our office located in Lake Worth, FL. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

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